People saying he was crying for help and they could not help makes me wonder how they even reason. You can simply say he was strangled to death with the knee in cold blood with intent to murder him unprovoked because from the video, you can clearly see that there is no how they did not know they are killing him slowly but did not care till he was strangled while on handcuff helplessly till he stopped moving and you can see from their facial expression and countenance that they did not even border or even surprise.
It is only a mentally deranged person will not know that he as the officer, was killing the man by comfortably strangling him with the knee for minutes until he died while the others watch in excitement, and give him cover and therefore obviously accomplice to the murder.
YNW Melly Reportedly Stabbed to Death in Jail.
Mr Tumble Death : Is Justin Fletcher Dead ?.Keith Nelson Death - Obituary: Former Hamilton AFC legend Passed Away.If President Trump did not see to the handling of this case to the core, with full scope of justice melted to the deceased under murder charges, I will undeliberately loose great amount of Passion I have for our Lovely Donald Trump For President and for sure, my orientation about him will change instantly because I will see him as a subtle selfish, cruel and unconscientious human being. In that case he will be no different from China, Religious and other cruel World Leaders the world abhor so much of their gross wickedness and heartlessness.
Destroying the city isn't the answer!!! Do these people really think that this is how to get justice!!! The murder by the 4 cops is absolutely horrible and they definitely need to be in prison BUT looting and destroying the city isn't going to make it happen any faster. And who the hell do y'all think will have to clean up and repair the city after it's all said and done!!! My God. I'm praying for the law abiding citizens of Minneapolis!! Praying for their safety because apparently people are out of control and more lives will be destroyed by this horrible riot!!
Watch the live feeds, so many more buildings are burning, they have lost control of several city blocks and can’t get in to the fires or to provide medical assistance. A church is trying to provide some medical care, but it’s scary. National Guard there. Someone just drove a car through the Mall of America with looting starting there. It’s happening in LA as well.
CELEBERITIES DEATHS / OBITUARY MARKET NEWS I think that they are angry at society. If you follow the rules, then you can live your life. In that society, cops do not kill people. So if cops can not respect life, then they refuse to follow the rules of that society and they are angry and scared.
I most certainly do not agree with the tactics but I do understand the anger and the fear.
Mass protest can be effective however are ineffective in solving the unaccountability and lack of justice as police murder with impunity. When an officer is committing a crime, he himself should be put down and left on the street. A police officer and criminal are synonymous and must be legally treated as such. Until then forgo protest and arm yourselves-protect yourselves, and most importantly never let the enemy see you coming!
Tech News DEATH AND OBITUARY I feel like this has just gone beyond to far. This isn't going to solve anything. Pray for the people and the police men and women who do there jobs right everyday. Not all police are bad. There are good and bad people. There are good and bad cops. Please people stop this. We together as a nation can do more. Do it right. This is the wrong way.
Cheapens the purpose of the protest when these thugs take advantage of this mans unlawful death to steal TVs in his name. Pathetic and disgusting. Dont come at people with feigned anger, just to use the tragedy as an opportunity to commit crimes and destroy a community that needs to come together.
Totally was wrong what happened to the victim by the police officer... But now what
WHICH CELEBRITY DIED TODAY - OBITUARY of Minneapolis are doing is just as criminal. I'm starting to believe that the problem in Minneapolis may not be the police department but the attitudes of the residence... Just because you do not like the law does not allow you to break the law. Normal people don't go around looting stores starting fires and causing chaos... They are criminals and should be treated as such.
Longtime Las Vegas illusionist Roy Horn Death, Dead, Obituary , Cause of DeathSeacoast Church Pastor Darrin Patrick Death, Dead, Darrin Patrick Obituary Cause of Death UnknownDeaths - Obituaries : Hunter Romell Passed AwayJennifer Jaynes death, Obituary : USA Today Author Found Dead.